
the dancing/stutter'n ineffable by alan sondheim

Ineffable http://www.alansondheim.org/ineffable.mov
(it takes a while to upload worth the patience)

inviolable, inviolate, legendary, marvelous, mythical, noncommunicable,
exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, heavenly, holy, ideal, happiness";
untouchable, unutterable, unwhisperable, venerable, wonderful "unutterable
contempt"; "a thing of untellable splendor", incommunicable, expression or
description; "indefinable yearnings"; "indescribable awesome, awful, cele-
stial, divine, empyreal, empyrean, ethereal, beauty"; transcendent, tran-
scendental, undefinable, unexampled, unmentionable, indefinable, indescri-
bable, inenarrable, inexpressible, innominable, "ineffable ecstasy"; "in-
expressible anguish"; "unspeakable defying unnameable, unparalleled, un-
precedented, unspeakable, untellable, noteworthy, numinous, phenomenal,
portentous, prodigious, religious, remarkable, sacred, sacrosanct, spiri-
tual, stupefying, stupendous, {indescribable}, {unspeakable}, {untella-
ble}, {unutterable}] abstract tiny little elusive object of no consequence
but moving alan dojoji to hir inescapable unreachable destiny, only one
s/he has decided for hirself, no one else has made this journey for hir

Humlab, Sandy Baldwin, Alan Sondheim

Alan Dojoji avatar responding to 'go to' command but constantly thwarted;
s/he is also controlled by several altered mocap animations. The result is
a constant skittering motion, achieving nothing - the condition of the
fan, or anyone relegated to a problematic subaltern relation to visible
signs of in-visible power.
inviolable, inviolate, legendary, marvelous, mythical, noncommunicable,

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